Housing & Law


Home contents insurance


Whether at home or on the road: The household contents insurance insures your moveable property

Fire in the kitchen! Fortunately you are good at fighting fires - only now the fire bucket is empty, but the equipment is in the bucket. You are treating yourself to a holiday. When you return, your holiday memories are still present - TV, jewellery and co. but gone. The household contents insurance of Mobiliar helps you quickly and easily. It covers the financial consequences of damage and relieves you of the burden of expensive new purchases.

Household contents insurance in detail

Household contents insurance protects you against the financial consequences of damage to your movable property. You can even insure yourself worldwide against simple theft away from home as well as loss of and damage to luggage. So it no longer matters whether the items were in your home, on the road with you or even on holiday - household contents insurance compensates your financial loss. If required, it is also possible to take out comprehensive all-risk insurance.



Haftpflicht Private


Protected with up to CHF 10 million

Sonemann's ball quickly landed in the neighbour's window or a friend's camera on the floor. With a mishap like this, one thing is clear: the damage you have caused must be paid for. Or your insurance company. Because personal liability insurance protects you comprehensively against the financial consequences of damage you cause to others: The insurance covers the costs of up to 10 million francs.

Personal liability insurance in detail

What is a personal liability insurance? It is one of the most important private insurance policies of all, protecting you from the financial consequences of damage you cause to third parties. The coverage of the private liability insurance of Mobiliar is not only valid in Switzerland, but also worldwide for travel and stays abroad of a maximum of two years.

The personal liability insurance covers all legal liability claims up to a maximum of 10 million Swiss francs.



legal protection private


Protection against high legal or attorney fees in a dispute

You have to dress warmly, even though the winter was spring-like - because your landlord suddenly demands massively more money than in previous years for the additional costs. And when you had to lie idle in bed due to illness, your employer was anything but idle: He fired you. Well, does the private legal expenses insurance help you to get your rights.

Legal expenses insurance in detail

The private legal expenses insurance is there for you in legal and litigation matters. It makes sure that you get justice where you are right. Private legal protection supports you in private legal disputes or differences - for example with neighbours, employers, insurance companies, AHV, IV or pension funds.

Private legal expenses insurance also helps you in contractual disputes, for example with landlords, vendors, travel agents or suppliers of goods. The insurance fends off unjustified claims and protects you from the high costs of a legal dispute - regardless of who started it.



Insurance of valuables


Insuring what means a lot to you

You have a valuable picture and would like to insure it against damage. Your jewellery means a lot to you; in the event of theft, we will replace it at replacement value. Valuables insurance is ideal for insuring everything that means a lot to you and is particularly valuable - from musical instruments to video cameras.

Insurance of valuables in detail

Valuables are generally also insured in your household contents insurance. However, in the event of theft, cover for jewellery and watches is limited to
30,000 francs. You should therefore take out insurance for valuables to cover items that are particularly important to you. The insurance is valid at home as well as when travelling and on holiday.



property insurance


Insure your favourite piece online quickly and easily

No matter which object is particularly close to your heart: Glasses, headphones, tyres, drone or musical instruments - property insurance offers you optimum protection in the event of a claim.

This is because your daily companions are exposed to numerous risks that are not covered by household insurance. For example, small mishaps such as dropping your mobile phone in the toilet or spilling wine on your favourite armchair. Even the theft of a valuable musical instrument or the loss of your designer glasses can be covered by the contents insurance.

property insurance in detail

The insurance cover commences on the date specified in the insurance contract and ends without notice in the event of a total loss, at the latest on the date specified in the insurance contract. With the guarantee cover, your object can be insured during and after a legal or contractual guarantee.



Rent deposit


Thanks to a rent deposit you save the rent deposit

With the signature of the rental contract you are usually obliged to pay a deposit of up to 3 months rent to your landlord. Your money is blocked in a bank deposit for the entire duration of the rental agreement. Thanks to the SwissCaution rental deposit insurance, you can freely dispose of your money during this period.


SwissCaution rental guarantee insurance provides your landlord or real estate management company with the same security and value as a bank deposit, with better quality and faster service.



building insurance


Financial protection against natural forces and other dangers

Fire, flood or high water cause great damage. Building insurance protects you from the financial consequences. Whether you live in a canton without cantonal fire insurance or not - you can insure your house or condominium optimally.

Building insurance in detail

The building insurance covers the costs of fire and natural disasters, water damage or glass breakage. Tailored to your individual situation, you can also insure against vandalism, damage caused by martens, rodents and insects, damage to heating, earth probes and more. In the event of disputes with a cantonal monopoly insurer, the legal protection of the building insurance is also available to you.



construction insurance


Protection against damage and liability claims during construction projects

The construction company has not only dug a pit for your new detached house, but also one for your neighbour. Many things can happen in a construction project, and often no one takes the blame. Construction insurance protects builders from liability claims and the financial consequences of accidents.

Construction insurance in detail

The construction insurance can be tailored exactly to your building project - regardless of whether it is a small-scale conversion or a multi-million euro development. You choose which insurance cover you need, for example construction insurance or builder's liability insurance. With the building site policy, you also have a complete package for large building projects, which includes everything.

Depending on your needs, you can take out various supplementary insurances, for example for drilling geothermal probes or for expert costs or additional costs due to weekend work. With the supplementary insurance "Legal protection in criminal proceedings", you insure costs arising from proceedings by the criminal or administrative authorities.